AITA for threatening to not allow my children to visit my parents alone if they don't stop trying to convert my children to Christianity?

I am personally agnostic, but someone saying "There is no God." with the same level of conviction that "This is God." is equal to me. I doubt you go around saying to Christians and Muslims "Well you should say "Maybe there's a God!"" God is used in our measurement of years (After Death, Before Christ,) God is in the American pledge (which is recited each school day) and on their money, every single president has been Christian in America, you swear on bibles for legal reasons, yet you are trying to attempt to make someone saying "There is no God, please do not talk to my children about him" sound like an idiot for their non-agnostic beliefs by comparing them to unicorns. It's great that you think not calling someone an "idiot" straight out is peaceful language, but the lines you've written to "read between" are double wide.

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