AITA for wanting basic respect from my partner?

ESH. It's his family, it's not about waking them. If his family has an issue they can say something. If you have an issue, don't bring his family into it.

You didn't give him any time to process his feelings in the situation though. I used to do the same thing in relationships and it's not fair to the other person.

You demanded him to be quiet and he got quiet. You then proceeded to keep picking at the wound and demanding he tell you his feelings before he even knew what those feelings were.

People are saying he threw a tantrum because you told him to be quiet .. but he through a tantrum because you were demanding he talk through something he didn't process yet and getting increasingly more annoyed at him.

If you gave him time he may have come to you, but you'll never know now.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread