AITA for wanting control over the kitchen?

When you're arguing about a coffeemaker, you aren't upset about the coffee maker. You have an unfair arrangement that is breeding resentment. You alternate between calling your doing 99% of the housework, and thus having the kitchen as your domain, an "agreement" and a "favour". The kitchen is "yours", it's your "domain", but then you also describe having to cook every meal for a "grown man". To me, that makes it clear how you really feel about doing all this work.

It's not fair that you do almost all of the domestic labour. It's not fair that he can't put a coffeemaker in the kitchen of the house he lives in. If you're going to stick to this disproportionate arrangement, you'll need to find ways to compromise and compensate each other. Are you honestly okay with all the domestic labour in your partnership for the price of having 100% autonomy over one room in your home? If yes, you need to outline this clearly, not implicitly, and you both need to agree to the terms. Only then can you call this an "agreement" and ask him to stick to it. You'll also want to ask yourself whether this arrangement actually satisfies you and eliminates resentment from breeding, and for him also, or if it is merely creating a friction point, an intersection at which tensions boil over and you have arguments that are seemingly about decor and coffee makers but are truly about your dissatisfactions about your labour load or your autonomy in the home.

You do the childcare. Do you fight about him wanting to make changes in the childrens' lives? You do all the cleaning. Do you fight about where he is allowed to put things in the laundry room, the bedroom? Are there other friction points that are boiling over that are actually one single, unresolved issue between the two of you?

And keep in mind that you're asking this question of a mostly young, mostly male user base, so that is going to significantly influence the kinds of responses you receive.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread