AITA for wanting my partner to get a job?

Jeez, I knew something was off from the way OP was talking about their boyfriend in the post. That’s gross. And the fact they keep trying to explain it off by saying they didn’t know the real age until “they fell for each other”, and that it’s the boyfriend who kept pushing for a relationship until OP gave in bc “boyfriend was being sweet”? That’s so weird.

Hey, OP, you know what I did when I found out I was flirting online with a 15 year old as an 18 year old? I apologized and immediately separated myself from the situation because that’s a literal child barely out of middle school and I was already on my way to college. I felt disgusted with myself for a few months because I absolutely should have known. I didn’t entertain their “it’s just a few years” argument because guess what, I was the adult in the situation. I knew better. YTA and you should be embarrassed for still being attracted even after you found out about the ages.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent