AITA for wanting our nanny to stay for an extra 2 hours on weeknights, so I can have time for the gym?

Not sure if I've ever seen such a split judgement before, this is a hard one.

I'm gonna say ESH. You talk a lot in your post how good the workouts have been for your well-being, and it reads really selfish to me. Your daughter isn't seeing either of her parents very much, and she's 4 years old which can be a really important time in terms of development. Are you okay with not being around for that in favour of partaking in your hobbies?

Similar reasons for your husband, I noticed in another post of yours that he takes an extra hour to get home so he can read on the train. Pretty hypocritical for someone saying family time is important to him, if he's gonna criticise you for stuff like that he should be adjusting his routine to make family time first.

Some kind of compromise is needed here imo, one where both of you get some time to do what you want during the week while still being able to see your daughter. It's a tricky situation and I wish you guys luck, I just reaaaally hope your daughter is getting the time she needs with her parents

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread