AITA Review of an AirBnB and Host commenting on our review

NTA. I’ve had the same experience where I’ve given a fair and even very pleasant review (I’m talking 4-5/5on every criterion except one 3) and the host came back and completely bitched us out like we’d put her entire lifestyle at risk with our overall about 4 star review. …The accommodation was a granny flat at the back of her seaside property, we walked by her Mercedes AND Tesla on the way through, she was doing just fine. Wish we could go back and lower that 3 star rating, which happened to be for ‘communication’…

Same place came with this absolutely insane list of rules (supplied after we booked) with things as ridiculous as “don’t illegally download movies while staying here!!” “don’t wear shoes inside on our extremely wipeable polished concrete floor!!” “if you fail to separate out ur recycling we will GO THROUGH UR RUBBISH and charge u a sorting fee for the trouble!!”

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread