Alabama deputy shoots dog after man loses everything in trailer fire, arrests him for disorderly conduct, on video

These are incredibly biased opinions which you're attempting to generalize all law enforcement under. Yes, there are issues with some agencies and some cops. But citizens from those locales need to fix those issues, even escalating to the justice department If need be. It's absolutely unfair to infer all's the same everywhere because of local situations which, even then, are few and far between. If you think cops don't get disciplined, you're fairly out of touch...and being disciplined is not a nice matter to deal with when it's a founded complaint. Arrest the wrong person, you can lose your job, house, be thrown in prison, etc. This is not something cops take lightly. They know a criminal is dirty and the cops will get them...eventually. But this absolute unfounded opinion that all cops will do anything they want is just a Hollywood script.

I've yet to meet an adult, who's a law abiding citizen, who's shared this complete generalized opinion of all cops. Furthermore, I have an ethnically diverse and mixed race family which sees all sides of these arguments so I don't buy the us versus them viewpoint either.

And let's get our facts straight, use of cameras by police was implemented as an evidentiary tool and wasn't intended to protect anything other than that...EVIDENCE. The benefit to the citizens is that cameras aid in the prosecution of criminals in our society and subsequently help police keep our communities safer. There is the further added benefit in that it will support an officers reporting and simultaneously support or discredit complaints from the public against officers. Yes, the police deserve this protection as they are generally good ladies and gents who took up a noble career. Good cops far outweigh the extremely few bad apples which make it into the field and the way I see it, good people deserve protection whether they are law abiding citizen or cops.

It's funny, because on one hand people call for more cameras but are opposed to domestic surveillance. A tough cookie to swallow for criminals is that nationwide implementation of police cameras is essentially that....domestic surveillance. Documenting what the cops do, through the viewpoint of this lens, will ultimately weaken the agenda to discredit police as a whole and that's what scares you. Again, the problems you cite are localized. There is no giant widespread blanket of police corruption and no you're not going to ever be able to convince me that all the law abiding citizens are being duped. I don't buy it and I wholly support my local police in their efforts to add body cams to their arsenal against crime.

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