Alejandro G. Iñarritu Still Hurt by Robert Downey Jr.’s Response to His Belief That Superhero Films Are ‘Cultural Genocide’

Inarritu is right tho, the Marvel and DC universe are right wing propaganda. Black Panther has the CIA and a rich isolationist country Wakanda as the heroes while a revolutionary called “Killmonger” is the villain? Captain Marvel was pretty much written by the US Air Force, it’s so blatant.

Iron Man is a libertarian hero, “privatizing world peace”.

The DC universe is straight up reactionary trash with Call of Duty style BS written by David Goyer. The message of the last Nolan Batman movies were, war on terror good, and despite how corrupt our system is we don’t need the rabble mob controlling things because it will lead to Bane style totalitarianism. The exact same message was repeated in Man of Steel.

What more evidence do you need?

I know people don’t think too much about this and just watch is passively but that’s how these ideas are carefully placed into the collective psyche.

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