'All that is now at risk': Retirees vent their anger in super inquiry

Your forgetting two key points:

1) Super annuation requires long term planning. How the fuck can you do that if the laws around super change every couple of years ?

2) Sure I agree it is basically tax free money for a period of time but guess what... For a large portion of their life they were paying tax with the expectation they would get looked after by the government once in retirement! This changed.

In summary, talk to someone over 60 about it and you might think differently. I once said to my it's bullshit what you have been allowed to do. In his final years or work he put everything he could into super paying not so much tax! But then when you hear the history, it's pretty fucked.

/r/AustralianPolitics Thread Parent Link - canberratimes.com.au