To all people complaining about dynamic queue: Do you think the old system represents the individual skill correctly ?

 No, the old system is abused too much to indicate the individual players skill through Duo-Q without recompense. Consider the butterfly effect of a single player who is genuinely in a Silver Division getting aid from a Platinum player masked as Silver on an alternate account. The system does not identify this Platinum player, and will not place a Platinum player in this match to balance it out, and no matter the outcome all 10 players MMR irriversably altered. 5 gains, and 5 losses, and if this pair continue to play together this way it alters the MMR of thousands of players as they climb or descend. Player on the wining side will have inflated MMR, while players on the losing side deflated. I speculate over 50% of the playerbase use this abuse even if it does not benefit them, and you can see everywhere especially now players will sell this service knowing Riot will not punish it in any way. By looking at the system as corruptible by a single players ability to mask his or her individual skill level to inflate anothers you can speculate in the new system that rank will have no association with an individuals skill level, but instead a novelty item. 

 That does not include the social factions interaction with the playerbase to influence the system, and if you consider how much power the new system will give the character profiles you have discovered while playing we can speculate a large part of the population will abuse the system by grouping with players of the same type, ideals, or reward ambition rather than skill level and achieve almost the same result by making connections instead of mechanical, or tactical progress. The means to accurately indicate individual players skill would be to remove Duo-Q, Hard reset, and influence players MMR gains/losses by a combination of champion, role, and rift mastery along with result.
/r/leagueoflegends Thread