I see this all the time……. Liberals repackaging homophobia & not seeing any irony in it.

does hating gays make me gay? if so doesn't that mean that hating rats make me jewish. which is it.

why are leftists/libs like this. even if it's a joke which it almost always of course it's still at the expense of a certain minority group your entire life revolts around? am i missing something or is it funny bc of haha it's hilarious bc it goes against everything the person in question i hate stands for. these if x does x he's actually secretly y and not x jokes/whatever are counterproductive and rtarded. very telling how these only ever reach for that joke whenever it's about gays but not after an antisemitic/anti black terrorist attack or anything like that. lol.

/r/redscarepod Thread Link - i.redd.it