I am in an open marriage. You guys wanna ask some crap about it or anything? I'm super bored.

We have more sex now than we did before. The more I get, the more I want, so the more I initiate, which makes her feel hot. We have kids and she works a LOT so we take what we can get with each other and fuck like bunnies on vacation.

The relationship was not always open. This is relatively recent.

Combo of all of those. Her sex drive isn't as high as mine. She always expected her husband to cheat on her. When I didn't, that was lovely. She was flattered.

As time progressed, and her career progressed and we had less time for each other, we got in to a routine of just not fucking that much. I have ample opportunity because of my job to carry on all the affairs I could handle. One day I was telling her about a woman who literally dropped to her knees and asked if she could suck my cock, and she got really turned on. Turns out, after being faithful all these years, she wanted me to fuck around a little. She's a competitor, and the idea of having to compete for my sexual attention turned her on. She was phoning it in in bed because she knew I wouldn't fuck around, and now, she fucks like we are still dating again.

So, she's in to it.

I don't discuss the other women. I'm basically having affairs with permission. If I get caught, that's not hot. That's just being stupid and beta. Alphas get the pussy they want when they want it and they don't get caught. That's kinda her thing. She wants to fuck an alpha that could be fucking anyone else but right now is choosing to fuck her.

I never do anything with anyone we know. Too close to home. To complicated.

I've had flings, but I've just met someone who I think will be regular. Her boyfriend is on a foreign assignment and has been for 3 years. She's not seeing anyone else and doesn't want to, and she's hot and likes everything I like, so if I don't see anyone else we can go without condoms. Condoms suck. She's also busy enough to only be able to see me a couple of times a month, which is about right for me.

Lines: don't get caught. Break it off if she gets attached. Don't fuck anyone we know. Don't spend money on other women (other than condoms and coffee basically...these things turn sugar daddy really quick and we are relatively well off), don't fuck in our bed, don't fuck on family time, and if she wants sex, I give it to her. The moment I'm too sexed up to fuck my wife, the show is over.

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