Cops Beat Their Wives & Girlfriends At Double The National Domestic Violence Rate

Cops from a very tiny town were just in the news recently. Its one of the worst areas of "crime" in the entire state year after year, and without a single murder. Its very very small. And these same cops let my husband abuse me, he just told them I was mentally ill. Then the cops (some female) were so incredibly aggressive, trying to force me to fall backwards on my bed to get me to push back and arrest me. One even laughed in my face, while telling me "your husband has the right to threaten to kill you, (chuckle) next time wait until he has a knife or gun in his hand and is coming at you to call us"(chuckle). They lied on the police report, multiple times to make it appear I was being difficult. I was shaking and crying because I knew my husband wanted me dead, had been physically abusing me for years, and he was quiet content. They would leave after one of my calls, and he would close the door and say, "See, no one is going to help you. You belong to me." I did escape from him, but not before he stalked me, cyber stalked me, stole money, committed identity theft, and assaulted me, and called the cops and told them I assaulted him. And I was arrested, taken to jail in handcuffs, and put into leg irons. Afterwards, I fled the state. Months later that same small police force subpoenaed my google email accounts and search history. When my lawyer questioned they made up a completely fake reason, about someone stealing money.

I should point out I have never been arrested or charged with anything. I dont even have speeding tickets. I paid my taxes, and I used to believe that the police were there to protect us. Ill never trust a single police officer ever again.

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