I am committing the cardinal stepmom sin of caring more than the bios

I would like for the other household(s) to care more and be on the same page in terms of parenting styles. I would also like SO and BM to have jobs with more standard working hours so they can dedicate more time to their son. But those are not things that I can change. I don't care about the financial aspect at this time. I would care if BM came after more CS, but for now it's whatever. I have no strong feelings one way or the other about SO being documented as the primary custodial parent at this time. That may change once kiddo starts going to school, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. The legal aspect is whatever to me at this time. I also have no qualms with the amount of labor and time I personally provide. If I did, I wouldn't have volunteered to take him off grandma's hands as much as I do. I'm not looking to change anything I do. I just wish others could do as much.

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