Why am I so lazy?

It isn't necessarily being lazy.

Some people chase 'progress' or 'improvement' because they enjoy it. Some do it because it fills a void in their life. It is how they distract themselves.

Other people are just content with life. They want to enjoy it, be stress free and take a lot from the little things.

Don't compare yourself to other people. Only because you see people shooting ahead, doesn't mean that is what you have to do. From a certain perspective, that is what society has conditioned us to do. There's a sort of path we think we are supposed to follow, and as time goes on we think we need to have achieved milestones that are measured by anything that can be 'seen' by others as progress. Because if people can't see it, you're not making progress, but that is wrong.

You develop and achieve in the areas personal to you. For some people, you can be completely content in life enjoying the little things like spending quality time with friends and family. For some people, it's something else that is just as 'immeasurable' to the eye.

Don't sweat it, and don't create undue pressure on yourself to achieve things that you actually have no interest in achieving. Because that IS ok.

Life is life. Everybody lives it differently. And however you, or anybody else chooses to live it, is ok.

/r/Advice Thread