Amazon warehouse workers skip bathroom breaks to keep their jobs, says report

This is my problem with Amazon, the Top comment is completely accurate, I was a former worker there for 4 years, I've seen the piss bottles, and even on rare occasion shit totes. Yes those drivers got fired for having to use the restroom and still maintain the quota, Why do I hate Amazon so much? Because Jeff bezos would rather build his stupid ass rocketship than stay here on earth and improve the quality of his work environments. I knew an older lady that worked her ass to the bone and had huge health problems, but she remained at the warehouse because it paid decently, and the health insurance benefits suited her. They bait and switch you on hiring to think it's an amazing opportunity working there, when it's just 10+ hours of grunt work a day just to make ends meet. You want to move up the ladder? only if you have any type of random college degree or you're former military. Don't think for a second your work ethic or good habits matter to management. Fuck Amazon.

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