American anti-maskers of reddit, the death of 3000 innocent americans (9/11) was enough reasoning to let the goverment violate your personal and private rights. Why are the death of 230.000 innocent americans not enough reasoning to put on a mask when close to other ppl?

The only way to see the answers specifically asked for is to sort by controversial lmao

I disagree with all the takes they use to justify their decision on not wearing masks, but this thread has turned into an echo chamber of political statements of others opinions on these people.

If you think it's harmful for people to answer this question because it could spread their ideology, why even comment on this thread or upvote this thread giving it more popularity. People who support this belief of masks aren't going to change their mind because of a random guy on a reddit thread attacking them by saying how shitty of a person they are.
They're answering the question asked. Disagree and debate, but why even come here if you can't handle the answers given.

You're anger at them, no matter how justified, just creates division even more when you attack them with no intention other than to put them down. This behavior just chases people away to echo chambers that tolerate their beliefs - which often leads to even more extreme beliefs on other topics. This question has just become cheese on a mouse trap, and more of a statement at this point.

Everyday this site becomes more of an echo chamber itself, and because I agree with the ideologies being echoed here (since they're predominantly left leaning), that's what makes it so dangerous. It's so easy to not realize you're in one when you align with the statements shared in it.

Not saying to be complacent or just passively accept ideologies/beliefs that are harmful, but this thread servers no purpose but for both sides to "dunk on" and attack each other when someone actually answers the question, and for other people to make posts obviously the majority of reddit agrees with and will get upvoted.

Nothing is gained here but more division and hatred.

/r/AskReddit Thread