well, I’ve gotten vaccines + boosters whenever needed, had appendicitis so I was in the hospital a day or two and had blood drawn once or twice and obviously an IV. And I’ve had blood drawn to test for multiple illnesses on a few occasions. That’s really it, though.
I fainted while watching my sister donate blood, but I’ve never fainted when it’s my own blood or a vaccine. I do generally become really manic on my way to the lab, and get terrible panic attacks though. I always say I’m a fainter so they will lie me down, it doesn’t really help that much but to be able to lie there after the draw is over is a relief.
I also have a general really bad hyper awareness/anxiety about my veins/blood vessels almost constantly. My SO cant really lie her head on my arm for too long before I’m panicking about circulation. It’s rough lol.
In a post I saw earlier today of mosquitoes trying to get through a screen to skin, there was a comment linking a video of a mosquito searching for and sucking a blood vessel. I’m not sure why, but I subjected myself to that video either three or four times. Several hours later and my arms are still aching.