An attempt to be a hero

I'm not dying on this hill

Yeah, that's because ignorance is immortal in this world my friend. You can tell just by looking at her picture that it's just some makeup. And the guy isn't "grinding an axe", he/she is making a legitimate fucking point. But I guess people like you would much rather shout "all men bad" or something like that rather than look into anything.

Are some men shitty? Yeah, abso-fucking-lutely. Are some women shitty? You betcha! In fact, there are people all around the world of all shapes, sizes, colors, and genders that are shitty. Just the same as there are good people in all of those labels as well. Most good people have realized, however, that their voice doesn't matter. Ignorance trump's knowledge.

Sidenote: my phone just capitalized "trump" automatically and I had to correct it. 2019 is a crazy time to be alive

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