An Emotional Jon Stewart Drops the Comedy to Talk Charleston: ‘We Still Won’t Do Jackshit’

When Adam Lanza had to reload inside Sandy Hook Elementary, 11 children were able to escape. 11. Alive today. He had to reload because the magazine jammed, but you can take that element of luck out of it by setting a size limit on magazines and limiting the amount of uninterrupted devastation a gunman can inflict before the have to pause and others can take action. That isn't security theatre, that's just cold hard facts.

First of all, extended magazines are more prone to jamming.

Second, a non-extended magazine can jam as well.

Third, we're not talking about jams, which can and will happen either way from time to time, we're talking about clean shooting and less than a second to switch magazines. Clearing a jam is something else entirely and can take much longer.

So what you're saying is actually irrelevant.

A private seller is usually under no obligation to make sure you're from the same state.

Never said they were. But they are under obligation to not sell if they have reason to believe they aren't.

The cost being subsidized is a hilari-sad idea. If you want the deadly weapon, you pay the fee. Don't put that on society, the buyer is the one who wants the gun, they should take the steps to make sure everything is kosher.

And why is that? I love how "everybody needs to chip in for Obamacare, whether you like it or not, for the betterment of society", but by replacing "Obamacare" with "background checks" you all of a sudden disagree with the logic.

Also. Hilari-sad? Speak like an adult.

You seem rather uninformed and misled on several fronts.

Not in the least, my friend. I'm not the one showing their ignorance while being embarrassingly condescending about it.

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