Give an honest opinion that would get you banned from your favorite team's subreddit.

I understand if you disagree with the religion, but to just bash on it and provide false or out of context/unrelated information- it is just disrespectful. I'm not sure what your purpose is in spreading all of this anti-Mormon info. I don't mind if you don't believe in the church, but to just demean it unabashedly and show no respect for other's beliefs is just very rude. I have found good life values in this church and it has helped to bring me purpose in my life. The members are far from perfect, and like I said, sometimes can be rude or say things that offend you. Maybe some of the temple ceremonies we do are weird. I agree, it can seem different at times, as they contain a lot of symbolism. straight from the church's website regarding temple ceremonies:

One ordinance we receive in the temple is the endowment. The word endowment means “gift” or “bestowal.” As part of this ordinance, we are taught about the purpose of life, the mission and Atonement of Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. We gain a glimpse of what it will be like to live in His presence as we feel the peaceful atmosphere of the temple.

the doctrine has a lot of good in it, like being good to your fellowmen, loving and serving your family, having integrity, etc. To overlook that is rather short-sighted. Again, I have no problem if you don't believe in it. But to attack it cynically like you have here and in your comment history is just disrespectful. Everybody has their own beliefs, and even though we don't all agree on the same beliefs, it doesn't mean that we have to attack them, demean them, etc, etc. Many people's beliefs (whatever they may be- religious or non-religious) oftentimes come from years of searching and each of us experiencing our own individual things in life. It really hurts me that you feel so inclined to attack those things that some of us hold special and sacred

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