An open letter to the mods, concerning recent events in NYC and threads/threats to Claire in our sub.

Yeah, I added that part later (def wasn't in what I sent to the mod), I might delete that part, the point is that we shouldn't blame ourselves too harshly for what happened (or use that as an excuse to give up on the sub) because any problems with this sub or with reddit are mostly because of the inherent problems of social media- which Grimes also criticized repeatedly, before this- yet of course, still uses, as she needs to.

I don't think the fact our world relies on roads and paving over nature is an awesome thing, but I use roads to get places like anyone else. I use reddit to talk about Grimes cause reddit exists and there's a Grimes sub, and if those of us who care about the music don't get involved, maybe more people will post "How can I have sex with her?" type threads, so we might as well make it good if it exists. I don't think the invention of social media has invented the problems of the human race, but I do think it encourages the worst in people many times, and I don't think it has had entirely awesome effects on the world, and many people, of every political persuasion, seem to agree that social media causes as many problems as it solves, and creates as much loneliness as it prevents. And artists or even pop stars don't absolutely need to be talked about on social media. One of my fav indie artists doesn't have a sub... and I have no intention to start one. MJ, Bowie or Prince are not any less legendary because nobody talked about them on social media in the peak of their career (the Internet did not exist).

That said, we are in a social media era and Grimes, while not exactly a "household name," is already way too huge to not have a sub, and obviously she will (slowly or quickly) get even bigger over time. Even if everyone somehow agreed to ask Reddit to close the Grimes sub, if we closed it today (ha, I have no idea if they can even do that) someone else would hear Venus Fly on the radio (let's hope) in a month, get super into Grimes and think "hey she deserves a subreddit" and they'd make a Grimes sub again, and the same thing would repeat. So it's here to stay, like social media, until absolutely everything in our societies break down. And if the Grimes sub is here we have no choice but to make it awesome and worthy of her.

/r/Grimes Thread Parent