Why do Americans not go crazy over not having a free health care?

I hope you collectivist apologists realize you're the ones who would have supported slavery and locking up the Japanese because that's what the majority wanted. That's what the collective thought was ok during the time. People like me who value individual liberty were the ones who stood against every single abuse in history. That's exactly why we want a nation without collectivism.

Collectivists supported hitler. They'll support the next mass genocide when they're told whichever group the government wants to get rid of is the "bad guy stopping our Collectivist government from taking care of everyone"

The bottom line is...collectivists want security and safety and to be taken care of. Individualists don't want or need you. We don't want your hand outs or your assistance because a string comes attached. We just want to be left alone. We want liberty, we don't want free Healthcare.

I am an individualist and I'm not ashamed of it. Bring the down votes reddit hive mind.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent