'The answer I wish I gave': B.C. NDP leader apologizes for choice of words on race

I'm an indigenous Canadian and while I understand that the phrase "I don't see colour" is a soft spot for a lot of people, its important not to be so overly sensitive as to be caught up in words when they arent being said in a derogatory way. Some people say "I don't see colour" to represent the fact that they see all people as human and equals that should be treated a such, which is LITERALLY what we are all suppose to be working towards. Its the message that matters, not the specific words that were chosen.

I'd rather be concerned about real issue regarding racism rather than get stuck on trivial issue like

"a specific groups of words that are literally not wrong in anyway have triggered me and we need to talk about it now"

That doesnt help anything or anyone.

I would rather have a person in charge that actually cares about the real issues and takes action to make change and doesn't know every single little specific PC change that happens from day to day in terms of "proper phrasing", than a person who doesnt care but knows all the right PC proper phrasing to get everyone to like them.

/r/vancouver Thread Link - bc.ctvnews.ca