Anxiety is a jerk. Teach me how to fight it with meditation.

I've dealt with this before in my life and meditation will help if you're not focusing on anxiety. Sure you can acknowledge the sensation is there, but the important thing is to keep the focus on breath. The anxiety is caused by a part of the brain thinking it's in danger when it's not, often starting with a real event that is threatening in some way, and then when the danger is over, the brain continues to pump the adrenaline. Take an extreme of a soldier living in a war zone for a year, then coming home and their brain stays stuck in that high level of adrenaline pumping, that was once necessary but no longer is.

What is needed is to retrain your brain to unstick itself and get back into a state where it no longer believes it's in danger. You do this by focusing your energies on activities that involve other areas of the brain. Meditation is good for this. Also involve your mind in creative activities that interest you and naturally need a lot of focus for you to do. Let's say's it's writing a story of some kind. The more you get into it, you'll find that while writing you had moments where you never thought about about your anxiety. Perhaps, time seemed to fly by, or went away all together. As soon as that happens you'll know longer periods are possible.

Along with focuses on meditation, writing, music, and drawing, I also did Japanese number puzzles and exercised 1 hour a day.

One more thing: stop talking about anxiety with people. Do not focus on it all. It's just a sensation caused by adrenaline. The more you focus on it, the more you get. Instead, go meditate or engage in the creativity activities, or exercise. Meditation has shown to shrink the part of the brain that is responsible for causing the unnecessary adrenaline pumping, and grow other areas. These other activities will add to the shrinkage of the bad, and growth of the good.

I was born with the tendency for getting into a stuck adrenaline pumping state. I always managed to shut it off after awhile. But never thought about how I did it. Until later in life and having it happen it again after a very real stressful and threatening event that went on for a month. Once the event was over, the pumping just kept going. I researched and studied natural ways to make it stop, and looked at what I did when I was younger (when I didn't even know what meditation was). In every case, I had refocused myself on a creativity activity that interested me in every spare moment. In essence, taking my mind off the sensation and any corresponding thinking, and using other areas of my brain. I remember my family making fun of me for the way I threw myself into these creative mediums, that when I did something I was like a madman obsessed. I was truly into these mediums, but they relieved anxiety--so there was a reward. In a way, anxiety is responsible for much of my developed potential, and has been a friend in that way.

Give it a try.

/r/Meditation Thread