To any anti-vaxxers out there: Did the current situation change your mind? If so, how?

I was never vaccinated as a kid, my parents did that for religious purposes. It was never a big deal either until 2 maybe 3 years ago. I think people just look for problems and confrontation. If there's a covid-19 vaccine I may or may not take it. Its honestly something I don't have an opinion on. I've gotten the flu shot. And I've had a tetanus shot because of an accident at work. I'm an adult, not a child in daycare, I think the scariest thing though is if its mandated. I'll probably get down voted to hell for not shitting on ant vaxxers, but like I said, I honestly don't have an opinion on it. This became a hot topic not too long ago, I remember going to a chicken pox party as a kid, now days its child abuse.

/r/AskReddit Thread