Weekly Praise Thread - 17 April 2020

For all the complaints I hear from foreigners living in Japan, I've yet to have a single bad medical care experience here. To be honest, it's the medical care that's kept me here for two decades. 19 years ago, when my second daughter was born seven weeks premature, the doctors and nurses in the neonatal ICU were so amazing in their tender care and professionalism that I decided I'd just stay here if I could. Many kids later and many vaccinations, colds, a broken bone here or there, and all that normal stuff, and now today my wife has our fifth daughter at the doctor getting minor surgery to get a little bump removed from her ankle. No biggie, but because we're here in Japan, the care is immediate and free! They walked in and immediately got a consultation and MRI. I absolutely love Japan for its incredible health care, even amid this covid crisis.

/r/japanlife Thread