So any ETA of the HTML5 player?

This is a rant, but I actually discussed this the other day in another sub.

the presence of flash is not the issue, and uninstalling it is not going to help get html5 in a better spot, sadly. these guys have their heart in the right place, but I feel is misguided. Uninstall flash from your relatives machines, and just wait until they call you in frustration that their stuff don't work.

the thing is this. Uninstalling flash doesn't put pressure on anyone. It isn't that developers are lazy. Everyone wants html5 except maybe adobe. the bigger issue is there is no standard means of management. There is no management between developers, the people that make the standards, and device manufacturers.

Because no management exists to coordinate this (which has been a problem for a very long time) its just a nightmare to get anything done. html standards have always suffered through this, but up until html5 it wasn't as big of a problem. html5 in general brings a ton of changes, but the people that make those standards document, develop, and release...and tell everyone else "you figure it out" and that's it.

So, uninstalling flash wouldn't lead to the right result. Instead, you would be better off getting involved with the development communities behind major browsers and devices and helping facilitate the standards required to replace flash player.

html5 has come a long way, and even though it is out of draft and is now a standard, browser/device developers are still not integrating things completely, and this has nothing to do with the fact flash is still around.

Heck, iphone market share is indirectly suffering because of the lack of flash support. people are switching to phones that does support it.

not to mention the business world, where legacy reigns king. it can become a deeply complicated issue where "just uninstalling flash" is not a real option.

I really hope to see flash go away, but i just think uninstalling flash right now is not even close to something that could be considered a solution.

/r/Twitch Thread