Any late bloomers on PPD? I have some questions for you.

Posting under automod because I don't have sexual experience and I'm 24.

  1. What do you think caused you to be a late bloomer?

Where to begin? Dysfunctional relationship with a helicopter single mother. Never had someone tell me how to efficiently pursue women in a sexual manner, and I've never had strong inner motivation to pursue women (A combination of psychological bricks, medication that almost made me kill myself, excessive pornography in puberty, and a genuine lack of interest in dating/sex/relationships). Unlike your modern day stereotypical MGTOW I've always had a do my own thing mentality (hell I even dismissed the institution of marriage after I pondered it and payed attention to men of different ages, race, and such and it's a sacrifice that I'm not willing to make). Never fully understood as a young nigga why it was necessary to get a binding contract to signal love and strong bonding when we're animals and can maintain a structured secure relationship for each other and your offspring. I never really wanted kids either so I didn't understand why it can be important if you desire to propagate your genes. I like women on an individual level.

Being sexual just won't happen sober (I can come off as asexual easily, and I function better in general if I indulge in cannabis, and alcohol recreationally). I don't need to be gassed, and whatnot all the time, but having something brewing in my system every other other day is good.

I don't get the thirst and frustration that men talk about and I've been abstinent from masturbation and porn for periods of time. I consider this a blessing and a curse because desperation is not a thing for me.

I've always struggled with location, logistics, poverty level, homelessness, and being generally financially stable so it hardly ever made sense to have coochie or dating on the mind.

I have only actually attempted to get laid or at cope a serious feel once in my life (this was recent as well). I had a few opportunities in HS, but I turned down the opportunity when it would've been easy.

I've genuinely attempted to pursue a woman sexually once, and this was recently. This isn't to say I've tried asking women out, but this was due to peer-pressure and not strong primal desire.

  1. Rate yourself out of 10.

Men overestimate their attractiveness so I'll probably do the same.
I have the V-Shape, 6-pack, decent jaw-line, mostly symmetrical face, "laidback" eyes, and carry myself well. Based on comments and IOI's I've received IRL I'm apparently really attractive. I'd rather offer a pic via PM since I've received only a small amount of feedback from individuals online. On a raw visceral level I'd say I'm an 7.5-8 after a clean cut.

  1. How tall are you? What is your race?

5'9", Negro (Most people assume I'm 5'10" or potentially even 5'11" due to my athletic lean tribal-esque physique, and the way I carry myself)

  1. Rate the first girl you got some sexual experience with out of 10.

As stated earlier I've only ever pursued one woman sexually and I'd say she's a 6 visually, but a solid 7-8 with her personality and vibe which can make a woman more attractive in comparison to a neck turna' who has mediocre personality.

  1. Did you become more confident and better with women after you gained some sexual experience?

I'm not entirely lacking in confidence with interacting with women, but "sexual frame" (not fond of PUA/RP/Manosphere terms) is something I would have to work on. I come across as asexual. There are random times where I subconsciously am seductive/flirty with a woman and block myself from allowing that.

  1. Has being a late bloomer affected your confidence in any way or affected the way you interact with women in general?

Me lacking experience hasn't affected me in the way it affects many men apparently. Never felt the rush to just get it out the way, I've never really viewed sex as special and magical (The vast majority of biological creatures get wonky and kinky is someway eventually). Never cared too much about banging as many women as possible, and didn't tie my self worth/value to it.

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