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As far as I know you're not supposed to reveal the contents of a modmail - of course those right-wing people bend the framing to their will.

As far as I know I'm allowed to talk about their comment history.

We agreed as a sub not to have anyone do interviews because we knew there would be bias, yet he did it anyways. He knew they would ask loaded questions and would have a bias but didn’t care, and that’s just selfish

This is a common misconception. The GME subreddit or whatever stonk subreddit existed did vote for that. Already for that misinformation they would be considered a 1 day ban if they continued to spread it (spam rule under ToS)

Also yeah, there was misgendering. I think Doreen actually on wikipedia has or had just a day ago had on the /r/antiwork wikipedia their gender stated.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent