Any single homeowners living by themselves?

I feel I could be a qualified person to answer this. Im a college student (M,22) and have been living in a four bedroom house which my parents owned since I was 19. I have a job plus 5 classes per semester. Worry about one thing at a time, and realize that many things take much less time than you'd realize. I try to section off rooms that I don't use so that they don't need to be cleaned as much. For outside projects, waking up early on a weekend and starting them isn't what you might want to do, but it's what must be don't to keep up with the house. The only thing I get help with is someone comes to cut the grass. All the gutters, weed whacking, trimming of bushes, maintains the fence is on me. I guess what I'm trying to say is take things one step at a time. You cannot rush into everything and expect it all to be fixed at once. Set a schedule on when you want to fix certain things and give yourself some buffer time in case it takes longer than expected. I hope this can help in some way.

Sorry for formatting - on mobile.

/r/homeowners Thread