Has anyone else been following Eva Marie's Instagram lately?

"I'm sorry that have a bad sense of character but that gives you no reason to blast someone that is more experienced in life and knows more than you." You have yet to prove this.

"The way this guy acts, talks and presents himself is very similar to nearly every non-flamboyant gay man i have ever met," Nearly, meaning not all. Which means he could be that not all.

"with no shirt underneath is not normal" so anyone who breaks social/societies norms is gay? You have this idea everyone has to act a certain way, present themselves a certain way. Does someone who wears eyeliner and wear "emo" clothes cut themselves? no. Some are known to, but you cannot walk around making silly assumptions like ALL of them do it. Going by your "dress a certain way" logic all people who dress "emo" cut themselves. I wear whatever the fuck I like, does that make me gay? no. I wear no underwear, what does that mean? I'm Bi? wearing no shirt means NOTHING. If you wear no shirt to meet your future wife's parents maybe that means you care comfortable being yourself? Why dress up and be someone you're not? I would wear my Pajamas to a meeting of my future wife's parents, what does that make me? It makes me someone who literally doesn't care what people think about them.

"Grow up, get out in the world and out of your moms basement, live your life, go to weird places, hang out with weird people, you'll see life a lot differently when it's not all about wrestling and video games. I feel bad for you, you seem like the type person that would believe an email from a rich Nigerian prince looking to give you $8 billion dollars is real or get scammed on the streets playing 3-card monty...better yet, stay in your basement, you don't seem to be cut out for outdoor social interaction with real people" If we are going by assumptions then these kind of comments come from people who were bullies at school. But I dont run from the same logic as you, so i would not make that assumption. I would say you are a bully now because this whole paragraph is one big character assassination which I have NOT done to you at all. So to be honest, I would rather be me than you because at least I do not go around trying to degrade peoples character and bully them. So even If i was in my "moms basement" I would be a lot happier than you because I would know I'm a nice person.

"live your life, go to weird places, hang out with weird people, you'll see life a lot differently when it's not all about wrestling and video games." also you saying this again continues your mentality that everyone has to live up to societies expectations. If someone is happy with playing video games and watching WWE, who are you to tell them what makes you happy is worth more than thier idea of happiness. Each person finds happiness in their own way. I don't say to you "stop living an over active lifestyle. It wears you out. Play games more, and watch TV shows." But I don't. I accept what makes you happy, and you should do the same for me. Be a bit more open minded rather than trying to act superior and you might actually become a nicer person.

" you don't seem to be cut out for outdoor social interaction with real people" yes, you are right. Thats why I do stay inside. It makes me happy. You should stay outside because it makes you happy. You seem like a social person, but not a nice one. Work harder at accepting people for who they are rather than trying to change them to fit your idea of happiness and I might change my mind on that last part.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent