Has anyone else been told they should be a teacher?

I taught 8th grade Algebra for a year. I put a large focus on building confidence, actually understanding how fundamental concepts work, and then using those fundamentals to solve practical problems. I did a survey on the first and last days of class, and it's pretty crazy how much higher students rated their confidence and skill in math. I like to think I was pretty good at what I did that year.

I always looked at it like learning math is a system, and if someone isn't learning math, you need to figure out what piece of the system isn't connected. Most often, that's confidence. Often, that confidence is missing because they didn't understand one concept a long time ago, and it made them terrified of every concept after that. That's a really easily correctable problem. Finding the one concept that terrifies them more than anything and putting it in simple terms changes everything about math for them.

That said, it was a job that was not at all mentally challenging. "How do I reach these kids??" was never a question with a difficult answer, just a difficult implementation. There was NO mental challenge to this job. It was an emotional, physical, and social challenge. I never had enough time, I was constantly exhausted, my ability to be understanding and patient was pushed to the limit, and I was paid so little that I had to go to food banks to survive. I'm now in the tech world which is mentally challenging, financially rewarding, and leaves me with tons of time to pursue diverse interests.

I think INTPs can be great teachers, especially if they have very well-developed Fe, but I also think that most our freedom too much to be a martyr for that cause long-term. Or maybe that's just me. :)

/r/INTP Thread