Anyone else feel competitive matchmaking has gotten worse as of late?

Definitely been worse for me over the last two days. Of my last 7 games, 5 have been infuriating.

One was cancelled because an enemy player rage quit in the face of the defence we put up in the first minute of a match on Route 66. They made zero progress in the first minute so he left, cancelling the game. Was looking like a comfortable win even in those early stages so that was frustrating.

Three (in a row!) we lost because of leavers on our team. One due to a shit connection and two due to rage. One of the ragers was particularly aggravating. He left because I wouldn't play a tank. This in spite of the fact that I was doing real damage as McCree, we had two tanks already who were doing a good job and that I had originally picked a tank (D.Va) and had changed to a DPS hero to accommodate a one-hero wonder who was on DPS and bitching at me for picking the only hero he knows. The one with the dodgy connection was also really discouraging because I set personal records for Eliminations, Objective Kills, Objective Time, Damage Done and Time on Fire (maybe others as well but those are the only ones I'm certain I broke) but it wasn't enough to make up for the missing player.

One we lost because one guy on our team gave up during the initial hero selection because our picks weren't a perfect reflection of the current meta. He spent a lot of time talking shit about "the idiots who play in the Gold ranks", apparently unaware that he was also a Gold player. He also wouldn't actually tell us what the problem was until we'd already lost, just that there was a problem. Requests for details so we could try to address the problem were completely ignored. Admittedly it was funny when we lost the first round, he said "What did I tell you?" and somebody replied "Nothing! In fact we've been trying to get you to tell us since we started." Still annoyed about that one, he was possibly the biggest prick I've ever had the misfortune of playing with.

So yeah. That started out as a contribution and turned into a rant. Sorry about that! Hopefully it was just a run of bad luck and I'll start getting decent games again soon.

/r/Overwatch Thread