Anyone else grow up being called "boy crazy?"

Same! I love nothing more than being able to just mindlessly work on a crew of dudes while cracking jokes and profundities about nothing. I'm small and anxious, had I had crushes but it took me WAY too long that my social anxiety was also from being bisexual, queer. I like queer because I have "bi-cycles" of attraction and I really like the open mindedness and history of queerness in bisexuality. Likewise, dating a guy and in an open relationship. It's hard work. I've had to have a lot of hard conversations where I told him that we're solid but I don't feel like a whole person without queer relationships, nonbinary structures and partners. Being bilingual and biracial and bisexual makes me feel all kinds of stuck and incomplete. Anyways! Lemme know if you need an ear!

/r/actuallesbians Thread