Has anyone else noticed the quality of quick play steadily declining?

QP is a unique type of Special. This weekend, I decided to rejoin QP after I ragequit it months ago for the same reasons (no healer/no tank/neither). I'm the same, I will not play a tank if there is no healer, and I will not heal if no one goes tank. There has actually been slight improvements from my experience. We actually always had at least 1 healer, and at least 1 tank.

However, yesterday this happened. Mercy + Lucio and Zarya + Rein Defending and then Attacking Numbani. We got stomped both ways, because the Mercy didn't know how to prioritize targets. Me (Rein) and Zarya just kept getting killed because we would get in front of our team expecting the healers to back us up, but Mercy was really worried about powerboosting the Soldier. Lucio's heal is still too slow to babysit two tanks on his own.

There was a separate game where I played Mercy and we had 2 tanks on Lijiang, and that didn't work out because the team kept splitting two ways with only 1 healer while the enemy stayed in a deathball. Then a game defending Kingsrow where I watched a Torb build a turret at the last checkpoint when everyone was still skirmishing in the middle of the streets.

Returning to Mystery Heroes. Players in that mode are ironically better because they are forced to learn about every Hero, and generally know what to and what not to run towards. Healers also try harder to protect their tanks and, the team tries harder to protect their healers because everyone knows if either of them drops, we might be shit on luck with that player's next roll.

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