Anyone else prefer not to cum

Ok, I've been wanting to share my story for an excruciatingly long time now and I guess this post grants me the appropriate opportunity to share it. I have had lots of sex, I was a virgin until I was 17. I had a girlfriend from 15 to 20 and I never had sex with her until the day she dumped me because I came clean to her after our first time. (if your not happy with someone be honest with them and leave them). Besides the point- I used to never cum. Ever. I was entirely devoted to pleasuring them and then watching them become infatuated with me after I gave them the good D. I was addicted to it. Mind you I was addicted to pornography and masturbated four times daily alone. I never cared whether or not I came OR if they were hurt that I didn't cum. That was until I met the woman I am going to marry next year I love her so much that I had to WILLINGLY MENTALLY URGE MYSELF TO CUM for her it was actually really hard to do at first and then it became easier and easier and then suddenly I realized I couldn't NOT cum It was a nightmare I thought I trained my entire teen life to avoid so I thought ok aybe if I use porn again I could train myself back and truthfully- It made me worst but after two months I'm back baby and I'll tell you what my secret is. I look at hot women sure but I don't masturbate anymore. I find it makes me a more aggressive and angry person but then I get to channel that I hit the gym and direct that at my partner and that works for me because my woman wouldn't have it any other way. So after sharing my shame my glory fall and rise I'll share my secret. Don't masturbate ever and don't let yourself enjoy sex like mentally like think about your kitchen stove did you turn that shit off? Wonder how many fucking pokemon there are now? Ponder whether or not Tinky Winky is a gay or trans teletubby. Point is you don't enjoy sex until she enjoys sex. She should ALWAYS cum first and you after if at all. I only ever came in women I want to spend my life with. The DTF's and hoes in your life will fucking share your number with their friends I guarantee it.

/r/NoFap Thread