Anyone having trouble with aiming in the latest superhot update?

My tracking has been kinda bad since the update as well. Thought I was the only one.

For some reason the game starts to think my camera is off to the left when I'm facing straight towards it, even when I hold the reset, and I have to completely close and relaunch when it does that. When it happens and I go back to the computer room, facing straight at my camera has me facing mostly toward the door/trophy list in the game even when I reset the camera position by holding options.

A lot of my throws go left now too rather than straight when I throw straight, and the angle of my guns in game occasionally feel off compared to the position of my moves (but just slightly).

The update also gave me the diagonal lines across the screen others have posted about.

Even worse, I now get wobble (where turning my head makes the world seem like it's moving forward and back a few inches (which really ruins immersion)). I hate that.

Three times since the update I've also launched the game but didn't have any in-game hands and had to completely close and relaunch.

The wobble and tracking are the worst, but I'd like the diagonal lines fixed as well.

I didn't have ANY of these problems before the update and nothing else in my setup has changed, I've tried deleting and re-downloading, but other than the "no hands" glitch (which hasn't happened since), all the problems remain.

That said, I still love the game and got 219 kills in an endless run yesterday even with the wobble and inability to throw far due to the tracking.

Great game, but it was even better before the update for me on my Pro. Hopefully the developer has another update that fixes all this--camera position, tracking, wobble, diaganol lines--and allows me to enjoy the improvements the last update was supposed to provide.

/r/PSVR Thread