Is anyone in here currently homesteading on property owned free and clear? Is anyone in here "prepping".

Is anyone in here currently homesteading on property owned free and clear? Is anyone in here "prepping".

Depends how you define it. I'm logic based and I made myself into a wide-skilled polymath. Competence and foresight resulted from it.

I knew from history that cultures rise and fall. Only people with foresight and usable skills and resources thrived in what followed. They often also needed to know how when and where to relocate.

As a Boomer with above thoughts in mind, I looked at US in '60s and '70s and saw a country at its crest with a predictable future playing out. I chose to make everything I did serve dual purposes; 1. prepare me for an uncertain future and 2. enjoy the present.

Made myself a healthy fit, physically-skilled body. An insatiable appetite for knowledge is cheap fun. Always choosing DIY over paying money gave me wide building skills and a growing cash reserve. Preparing for and going on adventures gives you skills, fun, knowledge, competence, and confidence.

Half a century of this has lead me to where I am now, in our cash-purchased house and acreage. It looks like a normal upper-middle class property, but is carefully located and built to live well today and in future collapse scenarios. It's set up to be utilities independent, food independent, repair/maintenance independent, natural disaster immune, and social collapse secure.

As fallback, I've pre-positioned substantial assets and built contacts in stable foreign countries but I don't think it will be needed. America has had regional collapses before. I think the coming collapse will be best weathered out in carefully selected regional and micro climate and thoughtfully selected local culture.

/r/collapse Thread