AP source: Jared Kushner is 'very senior' Trump transition official who directed Flynn to contact Russians on UN vote

Looks like our princess bottom twink Jared ain't coming out of this one unscathed. Rhode Island Drag Superstar Mischa today found out Leather Daddy Mueller's answer to Led Zeppelin's seminal 1967 question, and as Greek power bottom Papa D, Pelmeni Queen Manafort, and his b-plot comic relief sidekick Gates found, the answer is yes, he IS experienced.

Along with a plethora of other reasons that Princess Jared shouldn't be anywhere near the Starbucks on Pennsylvania Ave, I have a feeling this will really turn up the pressure as we head towards the season finale. I'm hoping we get cassata cake for our just desserts. At the very least, I'm sure Mischa found out the hard way that he should have never bought jewelry from a shop in a strip mall.

/r/politics Thread Link - nydailynews.com