I applaud your unrelenting hypocrisy

The CK thing was ridiculous and the way people reacted really showed alot of true colors but regardless of what pretext you supply, no one owes you vocal outrage. I feel the exact same way about anyone that calls themselves a "neo nazi" today as I did a year ago, they're stupid inbred pieces of shit. I think we all know that. Wasting my time condemning something that we've all always known was shitty just sounds really unappealing. Also almost all of the headlines about this shit has some play on "dear white people" mixed in and I refuse to play into that bullshit. I share a pigment color with these idiots and thats it, they might as well be from another planet. I refuse to apologize or accept responsibility for anything they do, but thats the narrative that's being pushed and if I were to be more vocal about this subject I feel I would be validating it. So I just ignore it, it's another awful thing thats happened in the world and I think that until we stop pointing fingers and literally playing into this race wars shit it's just going to keep happening. Outrage doesn't educate people, outrage doesnt bring people from different backgrounds together, outrage just causes confusion and perpetuates the thing you're mad about in the first place. Lets try to be a better species.

Also while I'm rambling and venting a little, BPT is racist as FUCK lately. Take a step back, goddamn.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Link - i.redd.it