Apple Removes All American Civil War Games From the App Store Because of the Confederate Flag

The revolutionary aim of the political ideology of communism, as laid out in the Communist Manifesto by the Jew Karl Marx, is to have the peasants, or working class, violently overthrow the governments of their respective nations. The manifesto, which demonized the entire middle class as exploiters—everyone from a doctor or a dentist, to a rich capitalist, down to the small business owner—concluded with the battle cry: Workers of the world, Unite!

The promise given to the impressionable peasants,—the “proletariat”—whom the Communists’ evil propaganda was directed at, was that they would live in a “worker’s paradise” after dismantling their “oppressors,” i.e., the middle class, or “bourgeiosie.” Of course, the true aim was for the Communist leaders—mostly Jews—to insert themselves into dictatorial power after the natural leadership had been forcibly overthrown by violent hordes of envious, hate-filled mobs.

Spreaders of the communist ideology believed that revolutions of this nature would take place all across Europe as people lost faith in their governments during the first World War. Much to their dismay, aside from in Russia, these revolutions did not take place, and the war caused the common people to instead become more patriotic and loyal to their countries’ leaders.

The Communists, who saw their victory as inevitable one way or the other, were undeterred by this setback. They went back to the drawing board to reformulate their revolutionary strategy and it was decided that in the West, for their revolution to take place, they would first have to weaken the foundations of civilization, which they recognized as a stronghold in the way of their agenda. The new strategy, known as Cultural Marxism, combined Marx’s theories with those of another Jew, Sigmund Freud, and was to use anti-Western propaganda to attack and tear down all traditions, sexual morality and Christianity and to deliberately break apart the nuclear family.

Many of the preeminent Cultural Marxist thinkers during the 20s and 30s were Jewish intellectuals based in Frankfurt, Germany, at the Institute of Social Research, better known as the ‘Frankfurt School.’ Instead of the ‘class warfare’ that traditional Marxism focused on, they now developed ‘critical theory,’ which attacked Western culture as being evil and oppressive toward minority groups such as Jews, non-Whites, homosexuals, and even women. This served the Communist cause of destroying White society by inciting hatred in all of these so-called minority groups while simultaneously inducing feelings of guilt in normal White people.

They also created ‘political correctness,’ where any objection to the Cultural Marxist agenda would not be met with logical debate but rather with smear terms such as “racist,” “bigot,” “homophobe,” “sexist,” etc.

Germany, home to a daunting number of communists— upward of six million—was facing the dire threat of falling to a violent revolution, similar to what had happened in Russia in 1917. A Communist Russia and Germany would have meant certain death for all of Europe.

Hitler and other European nationalists were largely a response to this madness, which had already brutally exterminated millions of the White elite in Russia. They heroically sprang up like white blood cells to defend Europe from the Marxist cancer that was sure to destroy all of civilization if left unchecked.

Adolf Hitler recognized the Marxist doctrine for exactly what it was: essentially a war on the natural order of the world which can only lead to chaos, decay and destruction, to the temporary benefit of a few, but the eventual detriment of all. He warned of this in his book Mein Kampf, and dedicated every waking moment of his life to fighting against it.

Once Hitler came to power, the Jews were stripped of their power and the Cultural Marxists and Communist agitators were forced out of Germany or interned in concentration camps as enemies of the state. Germany, once free of this plague, quickly rose to glorious heights such as the world has never seen—possibly the pinnacle of all human civilization.

Germany was, of course, destroyed in WWII, thanks to the power that the Jews and Communists already had over the minds and governments of most of the rest of the world, whom they convinced to destroy Germany even though it was against the majority of their best interests.

And so triumphed Marxism over National Socialism, tyranny over civilization, and Jew over Aryan.

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