April folk-punk song writing contest - Write about your town

I dont feel attacked at all, I feel like this is a discussion. This is pretty tame by internet standards. Ha.

I think it is important to see multiple perspectives on situations. I see where you are coming from. I guess my assumption was it would be a writing prompt to spark creativity, and base it around that theme. Not that it needs to be a final or official draft. But it would be good to hear what people would come up with in a short amount of time. I know everyones writing style is different and yes art is recycled (genre), but I felt like the purpose of this was to put everyone at a level playing field and everyone write about a similar topic. I just found more merit in writing a brand new song, rather than use a song someone has recorded and polished from before. If everyone has the same amount of time to work on it, it evens the game. However, like you said some people might not physically be able to or even mentally able in this timeframe to work on it.

It just seems redundant to have a contest where people can recycle their old polished work. It takes the fun out of it. A lot of my songs reference my city or environment in some way. As do many other peoples work. I just feel like it takes away from the spirit of the purpose of this. If everyone submitted old work it would be a "who already has recorded a song already that pertains to this topic contest" ? It just seems lazy, not challenging, and really doesn't make the contest fun. Of course that is my opinion. But if it's shit I've already heard that was linked on here from a few weeks/months ago, and kept hearing stuff I've heard before, I don't see how myself or anyone would really want to stick around to see in this contest of whats produced- because it's just recycled.

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