Why are you a Christian?

Is there a specific moment you know when you're christian? I'm still kind of waiting for that. Maybe it happened and I haven't realized it yet.

Maybe it was when I celebrated chanukkah with my family and didn't feel the warmth that the hebrew prayers, a language I do not know, used to bring me.

Maybe it was when I finally started reading the new testament and found myself sharing some of Jesus's criticisms of some Jewish practices.

Maybe it was when I was at church and finally took communion and felt a kind of instant peace.

Or maybe it was years ago, long before I accepted Jesus when I was about to die. I thrashed around underwater and finally accepted my death, thanked God for my life, and then felt the greatest sense of peace and love for everything. I cannot properly describe this.

I'm still wrestling with whether I am a Christian. Identity has much to do with it. I was raised in a jewish home, though my parents were atheist or agnostic, arguably anti-theistic at times. They tried to instill "jewish culture" into me. After years of living as an atheist I became religious with Judaism. I got involved with an orthodox group, though I wasn't near observant. I later became disenfranchised with nearly all of it. I sought out conservative judaism, but found no love there. Next was reform Judaism, which turned out to be more about being politically liberal than anything to do with God. I next sought out Islam because of the close theological links between Judaism and Islam. I read the Quran and liked much of what I saw. But the more I delve into Islam the quicker I got disenfranchised and quickly fell out of love.

I got involved with a christian group on my campus after I became friends with the people there (and found out they were not all about converting the jews). I joined their services because I thought, hey I get to hang out with my friends, and it isn't so bad! Slowly but surely I read the bible and started to understand Christianity a little better. It's been a few months, but I truly believe Jesus to be the messiah.

This went way longer than I thought. I was writing more to myself than anything else.

/r/Christianity Thread