You are given 10 billion dollars to create a game show. It can involve anything including illegal things and death if you so desire. What is your game show?

NukeTastic National Billionaire Blast ... The game show that delivers all the bang for your bucks.

Each nation produces a champion to represent it in random round-robin challenges that are drawn from the feedback of viewers via social media. These challenges have been made culturally and linguistically neutral, totally randomized and can be literally anything: quizzes, physical feats, death defying stunts - anything at all that can be broadcast in an hour-long show.

So as such, nations couldn't just send their strongest, toughest champion in case he or she draws an intellectual challenge. Or their smartest in case the challenge is an MMA style fight to the death that requires a ton of brawn. For example, One challenge might be an hour-long foot race between two competitors, but there's no way of knowing whether an Ethiopian long distance runner would draw this challenge, so they might be better off sending an all-rounder.

The losers are sent home, the winners make it to the next round until at the end there are representatives of the last two nations and they do battle over five nights in five different challenges beamed to an audience of billions.

Your nation's champion gets knocked out early so you're free to switch off? Think again...

The prize? The winning nation gets to pocket $9 billion dollars (the other billion is spent on production costs, insurances or a shitload of drugs for the producers) OR, they get to trade it for a single nuclear weapon that they can drop on a target of their own choosing with no repercussions!!!

You couldn't tell me that wouldn't be a huge hit as people watch hoping that rogue states get knocked out and/or the neighboring country that hates yours doesn't win. Is Nigeria going to pocket the cash or settle old scores? Is Argentina going to get back at Britain for the Falklands, and if they are, are they going to flatten London or nuke somewhere smaller in the Midlands as proof that they're really the good guys? Have the Danes got a mean streak in them? So Japan, would you take the 'money or the boom?' And how many nations would take the cash over nuking the White House?

NukeTastic National Billionaire Blast. Coming to a TV screen near you!

PS. Fox, I've trademarked this but I'm happy to sell you the format.

/r/AskReddit Thread