$2.5m to study illness caused by wind farms won’t solve anything

They solved the problem in Denmark by offering shares to everyone in eyeshot of the wind farms. Works a treat.

Nocebo phenomena – the idea that fear about wind turbines will cause some people to get symptoms – seem to be at the heart of both complaints and claims of illness

WTF? How can these people make such silly claims ...

Ah! Here we go!

In even the best of studies, it will be impossible to separate out ‘nocebo’ effects from direct effects.

But researchers' success obtaining grants has never been lower in Australia, with many strong grants falling below the cut-off score, which is ultimately budget determined.

The main debate in this area is between those who are adamant that wind turbines emit sounds and vibrations that upset and harm some of those exposed, and those who argue that the available evidence points strongly to health problems and complaints being psychogenic.

Nocebo phenomena – the idea that fear about wind turbines will cause some people to get symptoms – seem to be at the heart of both complaints and claims of illness.

I have documented an Old Testament-length list of 244 different symptoms and diseases alleged by wind farm opponents to be caused by the pestilence of wind farm exposure. The most bizarre of these include herpes, haemorrhoids, lung skin cancer and disoriented echidnas. Study limitations

In even the best of studies, it will be impossible to separate out nocebo effects from putative direct effects.

Here’s why.

Ideally, researchers could select a location where a wind farm was being planned and conduct symptom- and illness-prevalence studies well before the wind farm was constructed and operational.

They could also request the production of medical records to see whether reported health problems long preceded the commencement of the turbines.

But this sort of research design will always be corrupted by wind farm opponents who, at the first hint of any wind farm development, move into a local area with the express purpose of alarming and frightening as many local residents as possible about what’s down the track.

Lessons from Canada

It found the following were not associated with wind turbine noise:

  • self-reported sleep (such as general disturbance, use of sleep medication, diagnosed sleep disorders)

  • self-reported illnesses (such as dizziness, tinnitus, prevalence of frequent migraines and headaches) and chronic health conditions (such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes)

  • self-reported perceived stress and quality of life

But NO 'professional' diagnoses! Of course ....

And, here's where we cut to the chase:

It did find that “annoyance” was related to wind turbine noise, with 16.5% of houses in Ontario and 6.3% on Prince Edward Island being annoyed.

Huh? Why? It's not like wind is a new phenomena!


annoyance was significantly lower among the 110 participants who received personal benefit, which could include rent, payments or other indirect benefits of having wind turbines in the area e.g., community improvements. However, there were other factors that were found to be more strongly associated with annoyance, such as the visual appearance, concern for physical safety due to the presence of wind turbines and reporting to be sensitive to noise in general

This shows how fucking selfish so many people are! They give NO fucks about enviromental concerns, it's all about them wanting no thing IMBY that doesn't benefit them directly!!

what jerks!

/r/australia Thread Link - theconversation.com