So, why are you in the guard / reserves?

My given branch for active when I was graduating was ag and no offense to my ag brethren but I'd rather die. Felt slighted and chose to do what I wanted and the guard said sure, do whatever you want and I got to live the dream and go FA. As for my life since? It's pretty dope, sure a couple of jobs I've had have not been very happy about the kinds of days I have to take off sometimes but some companies are legit good about it because they rightly see you as an asset in a few ways a normal employee isn't. I've lived in two major cities and make far more than my buddies active right now (not to brag but it seems to come up here a lot in terms of fear over employment as guard). As for my unit? Sometimes they piss me off and I doubt I'll keep going after my first rotation as it is limiting on your career but I honestly have great leadership my current co is fantastic and my erg first co I have to say is easily one of the absolute best leaders I've ever met and having grown up among officers I've seen a full spectrum. And damn, the soldiers morale is just sky high. I never hear bitching or crying they seem genuinely happy and proud to be there which makes my job actually feel rewarding. A lot of people choose to slack off physically and mentally I have not and maintain high pt and perform my field duties at the same level as I like to think any of my peers do either guard or active. And I get rewarded with opportunities and schools and not just the silly week long certs I lose Tons of money if I go on. If I got a deployment I would be truly content. Really the only reason I joined was to go serve overseas I didn't need the tuition money or anything.

/r/army Thread