Why are INTP women disliked as potential mates? And why do you suppose said traits are necessarily a bad thing in a woman, if this is at all the case?

you're targeted for some of the worst teasing you'll ever endure in all your life.

Ugh, high school. In college, people are less interested in herd mentality and worshiping popularity. As if there is only one version of attractive for both women and men. The situation you are in is much more about other people than it is about you. Some people externalize their insecurities by putting others down. The worst of it for me is female on female "you're too fat/thin/flat/tall/short/pale/dark/nose issue/makeup issue/etc" (one time in school this random dude cornered me and tried to make fun of me by calling me "fat". Immediately afterwards he actually looked at me and called me "too thin", then he spent the next two minutes flip flopping between the two. I didn't have the heart to tell the idiot to shut up because i needed entertainment ). No one really fits the mold. Even fashion mags airbrush their models so whatever impossible beauty standard people seem to have in their minds, whatever. If grandmas and grandpas are out there having sex and spreading stds in their circles(stats are showing that they are), being atttactive is not a narrow or rigid concept. Keep your chin up.

As for what guys want? Clean, positive attitude, and be a human being with interests. Keep in mind physical fitness, more for your long-term health, but it is a factor too. Mostly, the mature ones want what you want, someone to connect with. And maturity is not something 16 year olds are known for. Though there are plenty of immature old people too.

Anyways, you should focus on what you want (interest/school/career/goals), while keeping in mind whatever flaws you should work on, like maturity issues, because being immature doesn't help anyone.

Yeah, extereme cynicism isn't a great philosophy, because you miss out on the good that exists. Be aware assholes exist, but also that great people are out there too. Also, don't be unfailingly patient. Some people are toxic and you need to stay away from them.

I personally never felt that being who I am was a disadvantage with dating. I did my own thing, joined a group in college that centered on a topic i like, and made friends and eventually married someone i knew from that circle.

Td;lr. Alot of the issues you are dealing with comes from the age group you're in now. Take advantage of not having responsibilities now and work on your interests. This might be a case of big fish in a small insecure pond.

/r/INTP Thread