We are looking for new mods. Inquire within.

1) Who has the best moderator style on P&S and why?

DaSilence. Doesn't say much, seems to mostly lurk in the common threads. But when he takes mod action it's effective and precise. Also that "drink your milk" comment of his gets me every time.

2) Why should you moderate P&S?

I've been part of this community for 3 years now. I joined to learn about what you guys actually do and what isn't represented in the media. At the time I was seriously considering going into LE but ultimately I didn't and this sub helped me come to that decision. I'm also a civilian, so if I were to become mod you could point at me when people talked about "lack of civilian moderating oversight".

3) Is it more important to be strictly by the book when it comes to enforcing rules or is there room for interpretation? Explain your answer.

Rules are important and the rules here are pretty clear. However people have differing ways to express themselves and things can be misinterpreted, especially on the internet, so as in real life I think a certain amount of discretion should be allowed. However if lines are clearly crossed moderating actions have to take place.

4) How can we improve our relationship with r/BCND? Give three examples and explain why.

While I've never been actively involved over there there are a few things that have come to my attention regarding community relations, as a whole and BCND specific, that could be improve in my opinion.

  • When taking corrective action against someone explain why. Which rules they broke and such. I dislike the "you know why" reasons given sometimes. It lacks transparency, professionalism and IMO sometimes worsens the situation. It gives the banned/warned person ammo to say "they banned me for no reason". Of course any reasonable person would see why mod action was taken but not everyone is reasonable.
  • Stop mocking their users. First step to fixing a relationship is being the more mature person. Mocking or being passive aggressive is not the way to go. Yes they might do this to you/us but just as in an IRL relationship that sort of behavior only leads to more anger and worse relations.
  • Someone else mentioned it and I agree, AMAs would be cool and hopefully a positive community interaction. The hiring thread is good for your normal aspiring but it would be interesting to hear from verified users (with throwaway if needed/wanted) how LE life is like in their particular city/region/country. Sure it might not help a lot with people with a fixed mindset of LE but perhaps with those on "the edge", not sure if LE is overall good or bad. Those are the people and users these actions should target, much like normal IRL community meetings/events.

5) How many hours a week can you contribute to moderator duties?

I spend way too much time on reddit, and although I usually lurk. Very often I have it open in the background while doing other things. Weekdays I'll be on reddit in the mornings and evenings and anytime I'm not in class. Weekends I actively check in regularly (every 20-30 min or so) if I'm doing other things, but like I said it's mostly always open in a background tab and RES updates to tell me when I've got mail.

Also I live in Europe so my timezone might be useful.

6) What unique skill sets do you have? (Ex: CSS skills, etc).

Limited CSS experience. Used to help moderate a game community forum and several accompanying IRC channels. Also co-moderated a medium sized Minecraft server until I left and it went tits up. Speak/read/write both English and German. Speak Russian (my reading/writing skills are pretty rusty). Can't be offended.

7) Who is the best moderator on P&S? Why?

On average they are all good. I particularly enjoy /u/Warneral borderline fanatical verification rule enforcement.

8) Describe your perfect donut.

Honey Cruller. Remanent of growing up in Canada and visiting Tims. I miss Tims :(

9) How many of your perfect donuts can you eat in one sitting?

I stop eating donuts when

a) None are left


b) Pure sugar flows through my veins

10) How do you feel about shit posting?

It used to be good. Recently though the quality has degraded vastly IMO, especially the memes. We need to bring back the high quality stuff.

/r/ProtectAndServe Thread