People need to learn

You mean the 1033 program that made that APC cost only what it took for shipping?

You're delusional if you think they paid $400,000 for an APC. At most it was a couple of thousand dollars. A lot for a single person, but chump change for even the smallest government entity. And it needs minimal fuel and maintenance costs because it will mostly just sit in a garage for the rest of its service life.

I do mean that, obviously I don't think they paid for it all. Going for grants requires time to fill out the grants, time that could be spent training. As you mentioned, it costs fuel, storage space and maintenance that could be spent on training. Not to mention it takes time to train officers to use the APC, time that could be used for more relevant things in a small town, like Use of Force training.

Its a sign of priorities.

I don't know what you do, but I doubt it requires training as specialized as force on force training.

I implant spinal implants into someone's back within ~1cm of the spinal cord often making subjective decisions on how much risk can be taken by evaluating the situation second by second.

Whether or not you think spinal surgery is more specialized as police training, that's up to your interpretation (probably ~ 10 cops to every spine surgeon). Believe it or not, but if I cited a lack of training for a mistake I would get laughed at, yet it seems to be the go to here.

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